

 《A long season》 introduce

In the small town of birch forest, at this time, the taxi driver Wang Xiang (Fan Wei) never dreamed that he would have a chance to meet the person he most wanted to meet and was most afraid of in his life. Is it an enemy or an old friend? If you meet, you have to give an account, to yourself and to your son. In the small town of birch forest, at that time, Wang Xiang, the train driver, was in high spirits, the steel giant could not manage the trivial three families, the factory was shaky, and the crisis was pressing everywhere. A bag of unidentified bodies fell like a stone on the water of the birch forest, as well as on Wang Xiang's mind. The ripples swung for 20 years and never stopped until the autumn leaves turned yellow. The lost father, the dead lover and the reunited old friend are trapped in three different ages because of an unsolved riddle, just to pursue a truth that transcends the past, the present and the future. When the answer is solved, time and space become one. In the long season, there is only a dirge of fate.

 《漫長的季節》 繁體簡介

小城樺林,此時,出租司機王響(範偉 飾)做夢也沒想到,他還有機會遇到一個他此生最想遇到,又最怕遇到的人。是仇人還是故人?遇到了,就得有交代,給自己,也給兒子。小城樺林,彼時,火車司機王響意氣風發,開得了二十掛的鋼鐵巨獸卻管不好雞毛蒜皮的三口小家,工廠搖搖欲墜,危機處處緊逼。一包身份未明的碎屍像一塊石頭砸在樺林的水面上,也砸在王響的頭腦裡,這片漣漪一蕩就是20年,蕩到秋葉泛黃,從未停歇。迷失的父親,死亡的戀人、重逢的老友,因一個未解的謎題被困在三個不同的時代裡,只為追尋一個跨越了過去、現在、未來的真相,當謎底揭開時,時空融為一體,在漫長的季節裡只剩命運的輓歌。


公元 2023年,由 潘依然,陈骥,于小千 等老师负责剧本编写,辛爽导演负责制作,范伟,刘洋,李庚希,王佳佳,林晓杰,秦昊,杨一威,刘琳,侯岩松,唐曾,史彭元,陈明昊,刘奕铁,蒋奇明 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《漫长的季节》,此影片于2023-04-22(中国大陆)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!美团电影祝您观影愉快!

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