在并不遥远的未来,太阳急速衰老与膨胀,再过几百年整个太阳系将被它吞噬毁灭。为了应对这场史无前例的危机,地球各国放下芥蒂,成立联合政府,试图寻找人类存续的出路。通过摸索与考量,最终推着地球逃出太阳系的“移山计划”获得压倒性胜利。人们着手建造上万台巨大的行星发动机,带着地球踏上漫漫征程。满腔赤诚的刘培强(吴京 饰)和韩朵朵(王智 饰)历经层层考验成为航天员大队的一员,并由此相知相恋。但是漫漫征途的前方,仿佛有一股神秘的力量不断破坏者人类的自救计划。看似渺小的刘培强、量子科学家图恒宇(刘德华 饰)、联合政府中国代表周喆直(李雪健 饰)以及无数平凡的地球人,构成了这项伟大计划的重要一环……本片根据刘慈欣同名科幻小说改编。收起




 《Wandering Earth 2》 introduce

In the not too distant future, the sun will rapidly age and expand, and in a few hundred years, the entire solar system will be engulfed and destroyed by it. In response to this unprecedented crisis, various countries on Earth have laid down their grievances and established a coalition government in an attempt to find a way out for human survival. Through exploration and investigation, the"Mountain Moving Plan" ultimately pushed the Earth out of the solar system and achieved an overwhelming victory. People set out to build tens of thousands of giant planetary engines, taking Earth on a long journey. Liu Peiqiang (played by Wu Jing) and Han Duoduo (played by Wang Zhi), who are full of sincerity, have gone through multiple tests and become members of the astronaut team, thus becoming acquainted and falling in love. But ahead of the long journey, there seems to be a mysterious force constantly undermining humanity's self rescue plan. The seemingly insignificant Liu Peiqiang, quantum scientist Tu Hengyu (played by Andy Lau), Chinese representative of the coalition government Zhou Zhezhi (played by Li Xuejian), and countless ordinary people on Earth form an important part of this great planThis film is adapted from a science fiction novel of the same name by Liu Cixin.

 《流浪地球前傳》 繁體簡介

在並不遙遠的未來,太陽急速衰老與膨脹,再過幾百年整個太陽系將被它吞噬毀滅。 為了應對這場史無前例的危機,地球各國放下芥蒂,成立聯合政府,試圖尋找人類存續的出路。 通過摸索與考量,最終推著地球逃出太陽系的“移山計畫”獲得壓倒性勝利。 人們著手建造上萬臺巨大的行星發動機,帶著地球踏上漫漫征程。 滿腔赤誠的劉培强(吳京飾)和韓朵朵(王智飾)歷經層層考驗成為太空人大隊的一員,並由此相知相戀。 但是漫漫征途的前方,仿佛有一股神秘的力量不斷破壞者人類的自救計畫。 看似渺小的劉培强、量子科學家圖恒宇(劉德華飾)、聯合政府中國代表周喆直(李雪健飾)以及無數平凡的地球人,構成了這項偉大計畫的重要一環……本片根據劉慈欣同名科幻小說改編。


公元 2023年,由 杨治学,龚格尔,郭帆,叶濡畅 等老师负责剧本编写,郭帆导演负责制作,吴京,刘德华,李雪健,沙溢,宁理,王智,朱颜曼滋,安地,王若熹,佟丽娅,伟大力,张衣,天使,克拉拉,叶展飞,倪腾,胡先煦,霍青,刘寅,国义骞,吴恩璇,王红卫,孔大山,徐建,刘佳沄,丁燕来,郜昂,严华,李仁,洪真,王磊,王一通,杨洪涛,赵叶索,李路琦,黄纪渊,郑楚一,吴静一,付嘉灏,瓦伦廷·沃罗布耶夫,李一冉,周强,朱超艺,何金和龙,何金和金,张涛,向进,李沛东 等明星实力参演的 科幻片《流浪地球2》,此影片于2023-01-22上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!美团电影祝您观影愉快!

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